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Description:  A Jules Verne like Victorian setting.  The line includes common design elements of clunky steam powered machinery and late 19th early 20th century fashion.

Number of figures 32

Date 2005 - 2007

Description:  A line commissioned by actor/comedian Patton Oswalt in the style of the post apocalyptic films of Mad Max

Number of figures: 11

Date:  2013


Description:  A line commissioned by actor/comedian Patton Oswalt in the style of exploitation film maker Russ Meyer

Number of figures: 11

Date:  2013


Description:  A mash up commissioned by the Dino Hotel in Denver Colorado that combines Jurassic Park and Dr. Suess.

Number of figures: 13

Date:  2013


Description:  A line commissioned by the Awesomes, a cartoon series by Seth Meyers show on Hulu.

Number of figures: 13

Date: 2014


Description:  A line in the style of classic pirate films set in the actual history of Europe.

Number of figures: 9

Date:  2012 (posted in 2015)


Description:  A line in the style of classic 1940's Sci-Fi Serials like Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon.

Number of figures: 10

Date:  2011


Description:  A line in the style of 1990's Cyberpunk.

Number of figures: 10

Date:  2012


Description:  A line of classic 1940's Film Noir with all the archetypal characters.

Number of figures: 10

Date:  2011


Description:  A line of Medieval Fantasy characters

Number of figures: 10

Date:  2011


Description:  A line of gritty American Western characters.

Number of figures: 10

Date:  2010


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Description:  A line of Kurosawa-esque Samurai characters.

Number of figures:  - 10

Date:   2010


Description:   A line of figures based in WWII with classic Axis and Allies figures.

Number of figures:  10

Date:   2008 & 2010


Description:   A line of figures based in the Roman Empire Era meant to be a kid of prequel to my medieval line.

Number of figures:  7

Date:   2012


Description:  A line that re-imagines classic DC superheroes in familiar RPG classes.

Number of figures: 5

Date: 2014



Description:  Inspired by the graphic novel "Gotham by Gaslight" this line re-imagines comics heroes and villains in the Victorian era.  This was the first line where I redesigned characters in the 1800's aesthetic.

Number of figures: 14

Date:  2005 & 2009


Description:  An ongoing line that features my original designs of my various RPG characters over the years

Number of figures: 12

Date: 2012-present


Description:  A line that features a time travel from a galaxy far away.

Number of figures:  9

Date: 2014


Description:  A combination of 3.75" and 7" figures based on the Mike Mignola character of Hellboy and the Hellboy films of Guillermo Del Toro, as well as unique redesigns of the character.

Number of figures:   14

Date  2009


Description:  A line of figures that are based solely on the literary descriptions found in Frank Herbert's 1965 sci-fi classic Dune.

Number of figures:   20

Date  2007 - 2009


Description:   The line has elements that are retro sci-fi, samurai, cowboy, middle ages, and fantasy.

Number of figures 14

Date  2005 - 2006


Description:  Combination of various figures of my own design

Number of figures:   6

Date  2006-2009


Description:  Collection of figures from various movies and television shows, including cartoons.  Large section of figures from Terry Gilliam films.

Number of figures:   8

Date  2005 - 2009

Description:  Line of figures based on the Adult Swim cartoon The Venture Brothers.  The show follows a failed scientist, his 2 sons, and their bodyguard.

Number of figures:   8

Date  2005 - 2008